As almost
every parent of an autistic child knows, there is no shortage of books out
there on autism, but true gems are rare. Eileen Riley-Hall’s new book Parenting Girls on the Autism Spectrum
is just that, though, a true gem and a must-have book for anyone with daughters
on the spectrum.

Eileen and I
both have two girls on the spectrum, and both of them are two years apart, and
she and I are both English teachers, so it’s natural I would feel a sense of
kinship with her. She’s also resolute about facing the challenges our children
face and we face as parents with a positive attitude and a solid belief in all
of our abilities to cope with the challenges and thrive—even when those
challenges remain. She’s also extremely candid, speaking about the need to take
care of ourselves and to seek out therapists for our children and ourselves.
Equipping our daughters and ourselves with any and every tool at our disposal
is an absolute must.
My girls, quirky and unique.
Each chapter
closes with five key take-away messages, making a nice bullet-point summary for
readers to turn to when they’re looking for a short, sweet message of hope and
a dose of reality.
There is
hope and there is much to celebrate about our children, and when we are armed
with that we can take heart when we read sentences like:
our girls do face some tough challenges, helping your daughter discover the unique
person she is can make having a girl a spectacular experience.”
she does, she will do it her way, with her distinctive brand of quirkiness.”
offers information, tips, and cautions about everything parents will face
through adolescence with their daughters, from diagnosis, to treatments, to
hygiene, to education and the need to fight for inclusion whenever possible: “Simply
put, inclusion is not just advantageous, it is necessary.”
My favorite
chapter, though, is chapter 13, “Outtakes, Mistakes, and C is for Crazy,” where
Eileen takes the reader through some of her more memorable moments as a mom.
Our children provide us with so many opportunities to think on our feet, and
since those feet along with the rest of our bodies, including our minds, are
sleep-deprived, we occasionally react in ways that make us cringe or giggle long
after the event has passed. Forgiving ourselves and accepting that we don’t
have to be perfect is one of the most important things we can do, not just for
ourselves, but for our girls, too. Admitting when we could have handled a
situation better, apologizing for our mistakes: these are road maps for our
children, signposts that let them know that they too don’t have to be perfect,
that they can recover from mistakes, as well.
There are
very few books that are really must-haves, but I honestly feel that, no matter
if you think you already have it covered, that you’ve already traveled a lot of
that road with your autistic daughters, this is one that is a must have, if for
no other reason than to realize that we are not alone, that other mothers walk
similar paths, feel similar emotions, need the same things: support,
friendship, solidarity, laughter and hugs, all of which Eileen provides in
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