Please help my friend Lisa and her son Preston.

Lisa is a widowed mother of one boy, Preston. He is severely autistic and horrifically aggressive. He decimates property, injures his caretakers, and hurts himself. Lisa has been asking for help but not getting it (sound familiar).
There are some issues in the state of MI regarding children like Preston and my daughter Issy. No one wants to be responsible to pay for the treatment they so desperately need. It’s complicated. Lisa is exactly where I was six months ago when I had lost all hope for my future and Issy’s.

Only Lisa’s situation is much worse. There is no insurance company that is going to come out of the woodwork for her and play the fairy godmother.

It is like watching a train wreck.
I now know exactly how my friends and family felt when it was me. Helpless, horrified, mystified that there REALLY isn’t any help.
Well, WE CAN HELP LISA!!!!!! It took some people smarter than me to figure it out (I’m looking at you Nicole and Suze) but here is the information we learned:
Lisa is getting services through her community mental health agency (but clearly, not enough). When you have a problem with your services you file something called a “recipients’ rights violation” report.

.this is where it gets good:
We can
ALL file a report to the recipient’s right officer at the state capital (in regards to Lisa and Preston). All of the reports MUST be followed up on (as required by law).
This will help Lisa in the following ways:
*It will let her complaints be known
at the state capital and prevent her local community mental health agency from ignoring her.
*It will let important people know that MANY of us are watching this case and expect intervention. And if something terrible happens to Lisa before she gets help, well, there is a paper trail from all of us who love, worry, care, or can relate to her and her needs.
*Not only are we helping Lisa, we are helping the state of MI recognize children with severe aggression and their desperate need for help. Michigan is an amazing state. Once they know better, they will do better for our kids.

All you need to do is print out a copy of the recipients rights complaint. Fill out the 5 blank spaces that are pointed to in red (I filled in the rest for you, to make it easy). Then mail the complaint to the capital. Emailing is not an option (I totally wish it was).
Here is what you do:
*Click the link
*Print and fill out the 5 spaces on the form
* Mail to: MDCH – Office of Recipient Rights
320 South Walnut Street
Lewis Cass Building
Lansing, Michigan 48933
Here I provided these examples. The form is already filled out except for the information we need you to provide.
Here are the downloadable forms:
You can click on this version:
or this one. They are the same:
Want to help more?
Here is a fundraiser—>
If you would like to send help in the form of gas cards, target cards,
walmart cards, (or anything else you can think of) you can send them directly to Lisa here:
Lisa Sain
9422 Tiger Run Trail
Davison, Mi 48423
*When I asked about putting her address ‘out there’ in public Lisa laughed. She said if anyone wanted to come to her house for unkind reasons, they would take one look at her life and run in the other direction. I just love her!
Thank you everyone!
Here is mine!
*fingerts crossed* for you Lisa!!
Thanks for reading everyone!