We can use your help; let folks know about Autism Blogs Directory!
I've changed it to show the top 25 blogs in each category; hopefully that will speed the loadtime.
Please scroll down. Hodge Podge of Autism-Related Blogs are in the middle column below this post, as are some of the other categories.
If you know of a good autism-related blog, please comment with its url! Let's see how big a directory we can create! If you don't mind, please link to this directory, too!
If I miscategorize your blog, let me know where you want it! :-)
Update for the blog gems: Our first post isn't much, just a request for help categorizing bloggers. Most of our blogs here are just snippets. But sometimes, we go on for a bit. This is the first one where we really discuss on the directory our purpose.
Implementing the Intervention… Even When Things are Going Well
By Sam Blanco, PhD, LBA, BCBA, Originally Posted October 11, 2018 Recently
I was working with a parent who was using a Time Timer with her son to help
1 week ago
My blog isn't about autism, but I do blog about autism from time to time. If you want to list I Speak of Dreams/autism, the url is:
Added! :-)
My blog is about autism (and other developmental disabilities) from a parenting perspective:
Beth aka Niksmom
Thanks, Beth! Adding it. :-)
My blog "Out in Left Field" focuses kids with High Functioning Autism and Asperger's, as well as undiagnosed kids who are socially awkward and analytical, or what I call "left-brain." It looks esp. at how these kids are treated by the k12 education system, pursuing many of the themes of my book, "Raising a Left-Brain Child in a Right-Brain World."
The url is: http://oilf.blogspot.com/
Thanks so much for compiling this listing!
Katharine Beals
:-) I put it under Autism Information Blogs, Katharine.
Thanks for the listing, and for putting this together.
I was just diagnosed with Aspergers last week so I'm blogging about what it is like to find out in your mid-30s that you are on the spectrum. My blog is at http://justcountingtime.wordpress.com and I would love for it to be added to the directory.
My pleasure. I just wish I'd thought of it sooner!
Just added it. :-)
Here is my blog - I am a mom of a child with Autism and Apraxia and I do Floortime with him
Floortime Lite Mama
:-) Added!
AutismNewsBeat, reporting for duty!
:-) You're on under autism information!
I blog at The Quirk Factor, about parenting a child dx with Autism Spectrum Disorder (PDD-NOS) and Tourette Syndrome.
Already on! :-)
You can add us: we blog about our high functioning autistic almost-four year old micropreemie (she was born at 23 weeks) who was diagnosed just under a year ago. We talk about more than just autism, but the 'a' word (which not quite coincidentally also stands for annoying) makes a frequent appearance on our blog.
visit us at blogginghallie.blogspot.com
Isn't this just wonderful!
Kathleen, it is.
Abby, added. :-)
I have a blog! It's at http://aspierhetor.com/. Thanks! :)
Added, thanks!
Oops! This is what I get for writing when I'm sleep-deprived, Kim! I gave you my (REALLY) old blog address. :-o
here's the correct one:
Sorry 'bout that!
:-) No problem!
I'm on hiatus right now. When I return I won't be focusing on autism anymore but I will certainly still post about it.
Thanks for putting this list together! I'm an adult with Aspergers and blog at Aspie Teacher: http://aspieteacher.com
I'd appreciate it if you could add me to the directory!
My pleasure. :-)
Nice to have another directory. I stopped paying attention for a while and suddenly the Hub was a different place. Still haven't figured out what is going on. Will you add my site? http://lbnuke.com. Thanks :)
Will do! :-)
Here's mine! I blog about having a HFA 4 year old (who also has sensory processing issues) and our life with three boys! Thanks!
Thanks! Adding it. :-)
I think what you are doing here is great! Please include my blog also!
Thank you!
I'm happy to. :-) I'll put you under the hodge podge category.
Please feel free to add my blog:
I'm a mom to 3 wonderful children, 2 of whom (g/b twins) were diagnosed (at age 2) with severe autism in 2009. This blog is basically a publicly available online journal discussing our lives and the issues that we face on a daily basis.
Will do! :-)
Kim and Kathleen,
I think this is an excellent first post. It explains exactly why you started the directory and it invites people to join. Thanks again for starting the directory. You have brought such a wonderful group of people together for which I am grateful.
Wow! I love this directory and would love to be included!
I write 30 Days of Autism from the perspective of a special education teacher, working with other teachers, students and their families, and as a parent of a child with autism. I share what I notice and what I am learning about neurological diversity, education, mental health issues, interventions, parenting, and child development and I try to do so from a perspective that encourages understanding and acceptance for those who experience and process the world differently. I believe in kindness, the potential in each of us, and the power of one small voice... (well perhaps not so small... one insistent and passionate voice) to bring about change...
Thank you for what you are doing!
got you added!
This is a wonderful directory! I'll most definitely be bookmarking it to discover new blogs...looks fascinating! And I'll add your button to my blog as well.
I may have had a blog in this directory before, but I deleted it quite a while ago. If you're still accepting new blogs, would you be so kind as to add mine? (I'm on the spectrum.) I would REALLY appreciate it, though if you can't accept anymore, I understand.
Here's the link:
Thank you very much for your time and for this advocacy!
Wendy, got you added.
I'd like to over my blog to the list if you find it is worthy.
I am the Mom of an adult (23 year old) with classic autism. We do not have much of a voice in the new Autism Community, so I think that my blog describes life after school age.
Taking it A Step at a time - Autism
Blog is also reprinted on
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