In our first time on the air, we discussed the industrial bleach "cure" going around, Simon Baron-Cohen and Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg's rebuttal. We talked about inclusion and rejecting excluding the various voices in the autism community, how important we believe diversity is, and how the most important voices in the autism dialogue are the autistic voices.
We've covered some issues in upcoming segments, but we'd like to know what things y'all would like to see covered.
Are you an autistic blogger with an issue in the community you'd like to see us cover? Have you written a post on that issue? Do you know of other voices (like I did with guardianship) covering the same issue from a different perspective?
This is our chance as autism-related bloggers to make sure the things we care about are brought up for a more general audience, our chance to get voices heard, to direct people to you, our bloggers and friends.
We look forward to reading your ideas and getting your links. Thank you, because without you, well, we wouldn't be talking about blogs, would we? We can always fall back to talking about scrapbooking chickens, which could be interesting, but I think you--your voices, your thoughts, your interests are far more important and far more interesting.
My wife tried to get our daughters on social security disablity, but they were denied because our daughters were, literally, too smart! I wish I was kidding, but it's true. Prices on medication are really jumping so we thought this would help...but the government doesn't seem to understand the term "disability".
Thanks Christopher..I absolutely understand-sadly. May I ask what State you live in? I could ask around and see if anyone has any suggestions for you.if you aren't comfortable posting where you live here-you could always email me at
kathomar@hotmail.com. I can see if I can find info for you Great idea(s) for a topic-thanks.
Everyone knows from my blog: Pressing Puzzles. It's Missouri. I just wish I had the equipment to watch your show!
Always, anywhere and anytime,I feel very comfortable now all to the work of Dr Odey Abang,the Herbalist who prepare for me the remedies to my health challenges.
I could feel more comfortable when he explained to me how dangerous it's caring Herpes with me getting affected easily with Other sexually transmitted infections. Genital sores increases my risk of transmitting or contracting other sexually transmitted infections, including AIDS.
Newborn infection. ...
Bladder problems. ...
Meningitis. ...
Rectal inflammation (proctitis).
I was so scared when he says that because I found a lover who ran into it and had a shock on me after the checkup and develop stroke.
This has been my earnest prayers for the physician therapist to come in with positive solutions to remedies Herpes and most viral infections. I'm now free and I thank God for leading me to see others getting cured with Herbs. I decided to try and found out that the best way I would have done was to get rid of it and give my testimony. Glory to God I became free after I received his medicine from the DHL and applied as instructed. Till date I had no SYMPTOMS nor virus to detect of me, I called him and thankful for what he did,and ask if he could cure my stroke boyfriend,he said yes and did the same preparation to my boyfriend for his stroke and Recoverd from it. Nothing is impossible with Herbs IN CURES, you're the next if you will be willing to apply his medicine and instructions on how to manage.
Sickness has no right to dwell on us,you can reach him at his email address
For your immediate response to health
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