WE'RE HERE!! This week "The Autism Channel" will start airing "The Blog Ladies"!! A show featuring both Kim and myself discussing all things autism via blogs. Thanks to everyone who participated in "Calling all Bloggers"..The posts that you sent or recommended were wonderfully helpful in putting together our shows. We hope that this brings lots of traffic to your sites. Please stay tuned as we will be asking for more. But until then-Got Roku? If you do-sign up for "The Autism Channel" You will find us-and a whole bunch of other great shows. It's a positive place-where everyone is included. You can also find out more on Facebook. Come on over and check it out.

I recently started my own blog. I would be happy if you include it in your side. I'm sorry I didn't find the correct link for that purpose. The link to my is http://autisticneuroscientist.blogspot.com
Thank you
Hi-sorry it took a while to get back to you...I have included your blog. Thanks so much for joining us. I look forward to reading your blog..
Thank you!
Thank you!
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