Keynote Speaker Joe Mohs to Share Personal Story of Autism Recovery
Guest Post
Keynote Speaker Joe Mohs to Share Personal Story of Autism Recovery at CARD New York Autism Summer Conference
The Center for Autism and Related Disorders, Inc. (CARD), one of the world's largest autism treatment centers that provides state-of-the art therapy, has announced Joe Mohs, autism advocate and author of, will serve as the keynote speaker at the CARD New York Autism Conference held on Saturday, June 25, 2011 held from 8 am-4 pm at the Radisson Hotel, located at 1 Radisson Plaza in New Rochelle, New York. Mohs, who was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at the age of 22 months old, will share his personal journey from diagnosis to recovery and discuss how recovery is possible for many children diagnosed with ASD. The conference is free for all attendees, including parents, educators, medical and behavioral practitioners, researchers, and students.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, today one in 110 children in America is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, making it more common than childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes and pediatric AIDS combined. The objective of the conference is to provide attendees with information on the most effective ASD interventions, give attendees strategic methods that address challenging behaviors and to showcase hands-on, groundbreaking technology used to assess and treat developmental disorders.
Other featured speakers include: autism experts Deidra King, MA, MS, BCBA on "Creating a Comprehensive and Individualized Treatment Program for a Child with ASD", Frank Lo Curto, MS, BCBA on "Practical Solutions for Addressing Challenging Behaviors", and Evelyn Kung, MS, BCBA on "Using ABA as an Effective Way to Teach Executive Functioning Skills to Individuals with ASD" and "Skills(tm): A Web-based Tool for Effectively Treating Children with Autism". In addition conference attendees will view the award-winning documentary, RECOVERED: Journeys Through the Autism Spectrum and Back, a film by world-renowned autism expert Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh and Michelle Jaquis. A question and answer session with the featured speakers will follow the series of workshops.
For more information about the CARD New York Autism Summer Conference, visit:
Registration is required to attend the free conference.
To register, contact
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1 comment:
The motivational keynote speaker is very hard work due to their works. They have lots of confidence to speak in front of people. They impress the audience through their impressive speeches.
keynote speaker
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